Baptisms at St Anne's
Baptism or Christening
A new baby is a cause for celebration all around. When a child is baptised, the parents speak on the child's behalf and make important promises about their own faith and about how they will bring up their child within the family of the church.
To prepare for that big step we ask that you attend church for six Sundays and come for a Baptism Preparation Evening. Often, we also ask to visit you at home. Baptisms take place during the main Sunday morning service at St James and all the family are welcome.
If you are not quite ready to make the promises involved in a baptism, you could consider a service of Thanksgiving.
We also run an annual course for adults who would like to be baptised.
Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child
In a service of Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child, the minister takes the child in his arms and blesses him/her, then we pray for the parents, and present them with a copy of the Gospel saying these words: 'read this book for it tells how you and your family can share in eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.'
Thanksgivings takes place in the main Sunday morning service at St James and all the family are welcome.
If you would like to talk to us about a Baptism or Thanksgiving, please contact us or call 020 3643 2327.